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      What is a Functional Spec in Software Development?

      What is a Functional Spec in Software Development?

      The Functional Specification Document (FSD) or functional specifications or software requirements specifications (SRS) is a much-misunderstood document amongst Business Analysts (BAs). Often the task of delivering the Functional Spec falls into the project tasks of...
      TTD versus BDD

      TTD versus BDD

      We have come across a number of clients interested in understanding more about TDD (Test Driven Development) and BDD (Behaviour Driven Development). What benefits do these related approaches bring to project delivery? Who should carry them out? What competencies are...
      What’s my title on an Agile team?

      What’s my title on an Agile team?

      If, like me, your first roles in change delivery projects were in traditionally organised and regimented organisations, you will be a little lost in the non-ranked and confusingly job titled world of Agile Teams. Traditionally, we are used to the terms Project...
      The Importance of Understanding Stakeholder Views

      The Importance of Understanding Stakeholder Views

      Sometimes the BA will need to take various and at times conflicting views into consideration. Checkland’s Soft System Methodology (SSM) teaches us to look beyond the traditional ‘hard’ view in process and system development. It takes into account that there will be...
      The Role of the Business Analyst

      The Role of the Business Analyst

      The Business Analyst is a key agent of organisational change. The role is of increasing importance to organisations. Organisational Agility, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, has become a major competitive force. Organisations have recognised the...