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What’s my title on an Agile team?

What’s my title on an Agile team?

If, like me, your first roles in change delivery projects were in traditionally organised and regimented organisations, you will be a little lost in the non-ranked and confusingly job titled world of Agile Teams. Traditionally, we are used to the terms Project...

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Organisational Agile Readiness

Organisational Agile Readiness

I've noticed an increased interest for Agile learning from larger more established sources. This is good news for us and we are happy to train all who come our way. However, I am always curious to know the business drivers for this interest in Agile. Has disruption...

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The Importance of Understanding Stakeholder Views

The Importance of Understanding Stakeholder Views

Sometimes the BA will need to take various and at times conflicting views into consideration. Checkland’s Soft System Methodology (SSM) teaches us to look beyond the traditional ‘hard’ view in process and system development. It takes into account that there will be...

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The Role of the Business Analyst

The Role of the Business Analyst

The Business Analyst is a key agent of organisational change. The role is of increasing importance to organisations. Organisational Agility, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, has become a major competitive force. Organisations have recognised the...

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Organising Requirements

Organising Requirements

Requirements begin life in raw form. They start as an unstructured bunch of desires, features, hunches and estimated needs. Some may be well known, however usually, they are ill thought out, undetailed, conflicting, poorly aligned to needs and poorly articulated. It...

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What is a requirements traceability Matrix?

What is a requirements traceability Matrix?

A Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM), also called Requirements Catalog, is a central tracking mechanism for those tasked with writing and managing requirements to track the evolution and attributes of approved project requirements. The RTM links requirements...

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Why is Data Modelling a key skill for business analysts?

Why is Data Modelling a key skill for business analysts?

Data is the building block of all business management systems. In essence, a business system is managed by extracting, organising and understanding the data that represents the important components of the business domain. Each functional component can be broken down...

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